
The Costa Family

Our Travels, Hobbies, and Family

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Welcome, My name is Pam Costa, 
and I am glad you stopped by! 
I am looking for my Irish Ancestors: 
the GALLERY Family, 
from Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland, 
and Co. Clare, Ireland. 
Here are the lines in North America 
I have found so far:


1. My Line goes back to a 
who lived at "Whinney Hill" in Cornakinnegar, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland in 1799. 
He then moved to Lurgan, Co. Armagh, N. Ireland, 
where he bought a farm called "Donagreagh Farm".

His son David Gallery Sr, (b-?, d - 1884) inherited the farm. 
David Sr.'s children were:

A.William John Gallery Sr. (b - 1847- d-1897)* 
B. David Gallery Jr. (priest known as  "Old Father Gallery" 
C.Joseph Gallery Jr. (m. ? Black) (b? -d -1907)  Next to inherit the farm. 
D. Elizabeth Gallery 
E. Isabel Gallery 
F. Susanna Gallery 
G. John Gallery 
(worked Drumnacairn Farm)

*William Sr. was to have inherited the farm, but fell in love 
with a tenant of the farm, Mary Connolly, whom he married on 4/3/1872. 
He was then disinherited by his father for marrying a tenant, 
and moved to Chicago, Illinois, total number of children was 12. 
He was my Great Grandfather.

William Sr.'s known children were: 
a.William J. Gallery Jr. (b.1876-d.1938) born in Mass. 
b.James Gallery (b.1878-d?) born in Mass. 
c.Peter Gallery (b.1881-d?) born in Mass. 
d.Mary Gallery (b.1884-d.1905) born in Mass. 
e.Frank Gallery (b.1885-d?) born in Mass. 
f.Margaret "Maggie" Gallery (b.1887-d.1965) born in Mass. 
g. Theresa Isabella Gallery**(b. 1890-d. 1976) born in IL. 
(My grandmother) 
h. Charles Gallery (b. 1891- d?) born in IL.

**Theresa Isabella married M. Eben Hill. 
Their children were: 
1) Richard James Hill***(b. 1917-d.2002) My Father 
m.  Margaret Elizabeth Stevens (b. 1917-d.2001) My Mother 
2) Clarissa Gregory "Deed" Hill(b.1919-d.1992) m.  Max Holcomb (b.1918-d.2006)
3) Mary Priscilla "Tay" Hill (b. 1920-d. 2006) m.  Donald Day (b.1919-d.2004)

***Richard James' children are: 
a) Pamela June (Gallery) Hill - ME!!  m.  Charles Costa Jr. 
b) Suzanne Margaret Hill m. Cleveland Marston Ladd Jr. 
c) Steven Richard Hill


2. The Second Line of Gallerys stems from a 
from Ennistymon, Co. Clare, Ireland,who's first wife was Ann Lysaighth.*** 
Their children were:

A. Patrick Lysaighth Gallery, (1825- ? )  who emigrated to 
Brooklyn, NY, USA,then moved to Longmeadow,Mass. and married 
Johanna McGrath in Springfield,Ma. 
This couple had 5 children, and moved the whole family 
to Buchanan County, Iowa in about 1868. 
Their children were: 
a.James A. Gallery b. 5/14/1857 
b.Ellen A. Gallery b.12/7/1859 
c.Daniel M. Gallery b.10/23/1861 
d.Francis P. Gallery* b.11/12/1863 
e.Edmond C. Gallery** b. 8/23/1865 
B.James Gallery b.9/10/1827. 
C.Ellen Gallery

*Francis P. Gallery had a son, Francis Raymond Gallery b.1906, 
who had a son Daniel Francis Gallery 
who had a son Patrick M. Gallery. 
(married to Jonica Todd-Gallery). 
I have been corresponding with Daniel F. and Jonica.

**Edmond Charles Gallery had a son, Francis Patrick Gallery II 
b.1905, who had a son, Vincent R. Gallery married to 
Lee (Lillie M.), whom I have also been corresponding with.

***Ann Lysaighth died young, and Patrick Sr. is reported to have remarried 
(2nd Wife's name unknown) and moved to Chicago USA, 
possibly starting another branch of the family. 
Click here to learn more about this Iowa Gallery Line.


3. The Third Line of Gallerys I am following started with a 
born before 1850,who is reported to have been a shipbuilder in Ennistymon, Co. Clare, Ireland. 
He married Mary A. Daly, and moved to Chicago, Illinois. 
Their children were:

A.John J. Gallery 
B.Francis Gallery 
C.Daniel V. Gallery I. b 7/19/1865 m. Mary Josephine Onahan. 
They had 8 children: 
a.Margaret Gallery 
b.Marcia N. Gallery 
c.Twins who died in infancy. 
d.Daniel Vincent Gallery II -b.1901 (Rear Admiral) 
e.William Onahan Gallery Sr.*-b.1904 (Rear Admiral) 
f.Philip Daly Gallery -b.1907 (Rear Admiral) 
g.John Ireland Gallery (Navy Chaplain)

*William O. Gallery Sr. married Elizabeth Jane Sunderland. 
Their children are: 
1)Elizabeth Reuss Gallery 
2)Marsha Lee Gallery 
3)Maureen Louise Gallery 
4)William Onahan Gallery Jr. 
5)Mary Christine "Chris" Gallery 
6)Patricia Ann Gallery

I have been corresponding with William Jr. and Chris.


4. The Fourth Line of Gallerys I am following started with a 
born in Glen North & Knockdromagh North, Ennistymon, Co. Clare, Ireland 
Wife's name unknown. 
Michael 1 Gallery had 4 sons: 
Patrick 2 Gallery 
Daniel Gallery 
Frank Gallery 
James Gallery

Generation No. 2 
Patrick 2 Gallery (MICHAEL1) married 
Catherine "Kate" Glynn, and had 11 children: 
Bridget 3 Gallery 
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Gallery 
Joseph Gallery 
Ellen "Nellie" Gallery 
Michael Joseph Gallery 
Patrick "Paddy" Gallery 
Catherine 'Katie" Gallery 
Daniel Gallery 
Thomas Gallery 
Anna Aloysius Gallery 
Francis Gallery 
Daniel 2 Gallery (MICHAEL1) married 
Catherine Marrinan, and had 8 children: 
Michael 3 Gallery 
Daniel Gallery 
Francis Gallery 
Elizabeth "Eliza" Gallery 
Bridget Gallery 
Honora "Nora" Gallery 
Catherine Gallery 
Patrick Paul Gallery 

1. Patrick 2 Gallery's son Michael Joseph, had a son Thomas Gallery, 
who married the well-known Movie and TV actress of the 40's and 50's, Zasu Pitts.

2. Patrick 2 Gallery's daughter Anna Aloysius, had a daughter, Anastasia Holmes, 
who has a daughter, Joan Campbell, who shared information about her part of the family.

3. Daniel 2 Gallery's daughter Honora Gallery, had a daughter Nora Angela Linnane, 
who has a grandson, Robert Dempsey Mulders, who's 
helped a great deal with this information.

4. Daniel 2 Gallery's son Patrick Paul has a great-grandaughter, 
Erin Gallery, who was very helpful with some of this information.


5.The fifth line or "Montreal Gallerys" 
started with a THOMAS GALLERY SR.
b. 1809, who married Mary Ellen O'Neil in Co. Clare, No. Ireland. 
The family started the well-known Gallery Bakery in Montreal Canada. 
Their children were: 
A.James Gallery 
B.Michael Gallery 
C.John Gallery b.1847 
D.Catherine Gallery b.1849(twin)? 
E.Patrick Gallery b. 1849 (twin)? 
F.Thomas Gallery Jr. b. 1852 
G.John Daniel Gallery* b.1853 
H.Daniel Gallery b 1859 (became a member of Parliament) 
I.Mary Gallery b. 1861

*John Daniel, had a daughter,Eileen Gallery b.1898, 
who had a son, John Neal Potter 
who had a daughter, Susan Elizabeth Anne Potter, 
married John C. Lee, whom I am also corresponding with.


6. I have added a Fifth Line of Gallerys from the State of New York, USA. 

The information I have starts with: 


Who was born in Ireland in 1815. He married  Sarah Gilvaney about 1838. 

They moved to Quebec, then to New York State, and died in Niagara Falls, New York. 

Their Children were: 

A. James Francis Gallery 

B. Mary Helen Gallery 

C. John J. Gallery 

D. Cornelius (Ted) Gallery 


A. James Francis Gallery married Mary E Sharples, and had these children:

a. William John Gallery

b. Sarah Gallery

c. Frank J. Gallery

d. Thomas Gallery

e. James Gallery 


III. William John Gallery Sr. married Honora (Nora) Regina McGoogan,  

and they had these children: 

a. Edwin Vincent Gallery 

b. James Francis Gallery 

c. William John Gallery Jr. 

d. Arnold Thomas Gallery 

e. Mary Eileen Gallery 

f. Norma Rita Gallery


a. Edwin Vincent Gallery married Jeanette Hadley, And they had: 

a. Mary Ellen Gallery,

whom I have been corresponding with recently. 

= = =  

If anyone has any additions to this line of Gallerys,

Or any other New York Gallerys, of which I have heard there are many, 

PLEASE email me to let me know. 


Please understand that this is a compilation of information 
shared with me by family members of the five lines. I can not guarantee the accuracy 
of the information, and some of the dates may be incorrect, due to conflicting information 
from more that one family member. Please use it as a starting point to 
locate relatives in your own lines. I would be most appreciative if you would let me know 
of any corrections or additions I could make to accurately update the information.

To See more information on the five families, 
please "click" on the Main Name of each line. 
I have linked a page to each name with more detailed information on 
the ancestors and descendants of each line listed in my notes. 
I didn't carry the lines all the way down to the youngest members on the home page, 
due to a wish to conserve space. I only followed the lines down 
to the people I am corresponding with. 

I have heard of a line of Gallerys  living in California,

Oregon, and Washington state, a line that moved to Australia and New Zealand, 

and another line that stayed in the Chicago area. 
I would really like to hear from these family members too.

The "Gallery" name is not very common, so I hope to find 
some Gallerys that may be able to supply the names 
of the first families that came to the USA, and their children. 
My real search is trying to find a tie-in from Chicago 
to the four main branches I have mentioned. The difficulty 
is that many of the older "historians" of the families are 
no longer around, or hard to contact. Hopefully this website 
and my e-mails will help me in my Quest.


Well, my dear friends and relatives, the search goes on. 
I hope that soon I will hear from those of you who are checking back 
with the elder members of your families, to find out if you can add 
any names to our lists, and perhaps supply those missing 
tie-ins that we are looking for.

Please let me hear from you all, 
and I will update each of you as the new information comes in. 
Thanks in advance for all your help...


Here are some of my favorite Geneaology Links: 

Ancestry Search 
Family Tree Maker 
Genealogy Homepage/Family Finder 
Genealogy Online 
GENUKI-Genealogy sites for UK & Ireland 
Irish Names Research Directory 
PRONI (Public Record Office of No. Ireland) 

P.S. Don't forget to look on Facebook for
connections by county or just Irish Ancestors.
I have joined:
"The Irish Surname Registry"
"County Armagh genealogy"
"RootsWeb genealogists"


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and If you can help me in my search, 

Please e-mail me at :